Kinins in the circulation are rapidly metabolized by several different pept
idases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the contribution of membr
ane-bound peptidases to kinin metabolism in the renal circulation. Experime
nts were performed in vitro, in isolated rat kidneys perfused at a constant
flow rate (8 ml/min) with Tyrode's solution. The effects of peptidase inhi
bitors were evaluated on the functional vasodilator response caused by brad
ykinin (30 nM) or [Tyr(Me)(8)]bradykinin (10 nM) via activation of bradykin
in B-2 receptors in kidneys precontracted with prostaglandin F-2 alpha. Ang
iotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, enalaprilat (3 muM), ramiprilat (1 m
uM) or lisinopril (1 muM), increased the bradykinin-induced renal vasodilat
ion by 40% or more. Inhibitors of neutral endopeptidase (thiorphan or phosp
horamidon, 10 muM), basic carboxypeptidase (DL-2-mercaptomethyl-3-guanidino
-ethylthiopropanoic acid or MGTPA, 10 muM) and aminopeptidase P (apstatin,
20 muM) however did not enhance the renal vasodilator response elicited by
kinins, whatever tested alone or in the presence of lisinopril. These findi
ngs indicate that angiotensin converting enzyme is the major peptidase whos
e inhibition potentiates the renal bradykinin B-2 receptor mediated vasodil
ator response of kinins. The relative contribution in this potentiation of
inhibition of kinin inactivation and of cross-talk of angiotensin convertin
g enzyme with bradykinin B-2 receptor remains however to be clarified. (C)
2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.