Background: The arteria lusoria is an aberrant right subclavian artery that
passes dorsally between the esophagus and spine after branching off from t
he aortic arch. The role of endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) in the diagnos
is of the arteria lusoria has not been established. The possibility of demo
nstrating this vascular anomaly with EUS and estimating its prevalence was
Methods: From December 1991 to September 1998, EUS of the upper gastrointes
tinal tract was performed in 3334 consecutive patients for various reasons.
After imaging of the target organ(s), the echoendoscope was slowly pulled
back while imaging the mediastinum proximally to the superior aspect of the
aortic arch. In every patient, the area of the aortic arch was carefully i
nspected and special attention was given to vessels crossing from left to r
ight between the esophagus and spine.
Results: During the study period, an arteria lusoria was discovered in 12 o
f 3334 patients (0.36%: 95% CI [0.16%, 0.56%]). There were 6 men and 6 wome
n; mean age was 64 +/- 14.7 years. In all 12 patients the arteria lusoria p
assed between the esophagus and spine. In none of the patients could sympto
ms be attributed to the presence of this anatomic variant.
Conclusions: An arteria lusoria can be detected with upper gastrointestinal
EUS and was found in 0.36% of patients. EUS can accurately demonstrate thi
s vascular anomaly.