The Campuswide Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Program (CADAPP) was imple
mented and evaluated over a 1.5-year span at the University of New Mexico (
UNM). Drawing on self-regulation theory as a basis for understanding motiva
tion for change, the program was designed to increase risk perceptions and
thereby reduce the use of alcohol and other drugs among university students
. The program was evaluated from 1988 to 1989 through repeated anonymous ra
ndom sample surveys of all enrolled students on the UNM campus and on a sim
ilar control campus not implementing new prevention efforts during the same
period. As predicted, relative to the control campus, students on the CADA
PP campus after the program showed significantly higher perceived risks fro
m substance use and significantly reduced levels of alcohol and marijuana u
se. These findings provide encouraging evidence for this theory-based appro
ach to primary and secondary prevention.