This study compared the subjective quality of life of elderly Poles living
in Poland, and Polish immigrants and Polish-American ethnics living in Chic
ago. The article is a secondary data analysis of a study that replicated an
earlier study conducted in Poland. The study uses three measures of qualit
y of life used in the earlier study - self assessments of health, initiativ
e, and fulfillment of plans and wishes - and develops a composite measure.
The results showed that Polish-American ethnic elderly had significantly be
tter subjective quality of life than Polish-immigrant elderly, and Polish-i
mmigrant elderly had significantly better subjective quality of life than e
lderly Poles in Poland. These conclusions lend support to the idea the U.S.
-born elderly people and elderly immigrants to the United States have acces
s to an American cultural construct of "vital aging." However, immigration
is also a risk factor worthy of being added to the traditional "triple jeop