Iterative algorithms for image reconstruction often involve minimizing some
cost function h(x) that measures the degree of agreement between the measu
red data and a theoretical parametrized model. In addition, one may wish to
have x satisfy certain constraints. It is usually the case that the cost f
unction is the sum of simpler functions:
Partitioning the set (i = 1,..., 1) as the union of the disjoint sets B-n,
n = 1,..., N, we let
The method presented here is block iterative, in the sense that at each ste
p only the gradient of a single h(n)(x) is employed. Convergence can be sig
nificantly accelerated, compared to that of the single-block (N = 1) method
, through the use of appropriately chosen scaling factors. The algorithm is
an interior point method, in the sense that the images x(k+1) obtained at
each step of the iteration satisfy the desired constraints. Here the constr
aints are imposed by having the next iterate x(k+1) satisfy the gradient eq
delF(x(k+1)) = delF (x(k)) - t(n) delh(n) (x(k)),
for appropriate scalars t(n), where the convex function F is defined and di
fferentiable only on vectors satisfying the constraints.
Special cases of the algorithm that apply to tomographic image reconstructi
on, and permit inclusion of upper and lower bounds on individual pixels, ar
e presented. The focus here is on the development of the underlying converg
ence theory of the algorithm. Behaviour of special cases has been considere
d elsewhere.