Spatial models for the spread of favourable alleles have a distinguished pl
ace in the history of mathematical genetics. The realisation that reaction-
diffusion equations often have travelling-wave solutions has been influenti
al in the analysis of many practical problems as well as posing interesting
theoretical problems. More recently, these same ideas have been successful
ly applied to evolutionary game dynamics, both in biological and economic c
ontexts. Classically, if there are two alleles (or strategies) then the pro
blem reduces to just a single equation (the frequency of an allele or of a
particular strategy) in which case there is only one possible wave. Here it
is shown that, if the number of alleles (strategies) is three (so that the
re are two equations) then there may be many types of waves even for the cl
assical, replicator dynamic. Thus the initial conditions are crucial in det
ermining the outcome of contests. The existence of the waves is established
by a bifurcation technique based upon a result from Conley index theory. E
xtensive numerical calculations are also reported.