We report a case of appendicitis caused by amebiasis in a 45-year-old Japan
ese man. He presented to our hospital with bloody stools in June 1998, Sigm
oidoscopy disclosed erosion, and a biopsy of the erosion showed colitis cau
sed by Entamoeba histolytica infection. Four months later, he was admitted
to our hospital with a small elastic mass and severe pain in the lower quad
rant of the abdomen, which was diagnosed as acute appendicitis. He underwen
t appendectomy. Histopathological examination revealed numerous E, histolyt
ica trophozoites, and we diagnosed acute appendicitis caused by E. histolyt
ica. The patient has been free of symptoms, colonoscopy has revealed no ero
sion, and biopsy has revealed Ilo E. histolytica for 12 months after the op