The recollision model has been applied to separate the probability for doub
le ionization into contributions from electron-impact ionization and electr
on-impact excitation for intensities at which the dielectronic interaction
is important for generating double ionization. For a wavelength of 780 am,
electron-impact excitation dominates just above the threshold intensity for
double ionization, approximate to 1.2 x 10(14) W cm(-2), with electron-imp
act ionization becoming more important for higher intensities. For a wavele
ngth of 390 nm, the ratio between electron-impact ionization and electron-i
mpact excitation remains fairly constant for all intensities above the thre
shold intensity for double ionization, approximate to 6 x 10(14) W cm(-2).
The results point to an explanation of the experimental results, but more d
etailed calculations on the behaviour of excited He+ ions are required.