A wind tunnel bioassay system to screen mosquito repellents is described. A
wind tunnel is utilized to exploit the upwind flight response of host-seek
ing mosquitoes. Mosquitoes within the wind tunnel are activated with human
breath, fly upwind, and land on heated chick skins. This behavioral sequenc
e results in a consistently high percentage of the test population approach
ing repellent or control stimuli. The bioassay system is calibrated with di
ethyl methylbenzamide against Aedes aegypti and demonstrates a reproducible
dose-response relationship. The persistence of diethyl methyl benzamide af
ter a 1-h period is also recorded. The design of the bioassay system permit
s simultaneous, independent testing of 3 candidate repellents. The wind tun
nel bioassay system is compared to other techniques for evaluating mosquito