Displacement MR images of water in in vitro rat spinal cord were computed f
rom q-space analysis of high b value diffusion-weighted MRI data. It is dem
onstrated that q-space analysis of heavily diffusion-weighted MRI (qs-DWI)
provides MR images in which physical parameters of the tissues such as the
mean displacement and the probability for zero displacement of the water mo
lecules are used as contrasts. It is shown that these MR images provide str
uctural information surpassing the spatial resolution of conventional MRI b
y several orders of magnitude. This imaging methodology was used to follow
spinal cord maturation in the rat. It was found that changes in the diffusi
on characteristics of white matter upon maturation are responsible for the
emergence of gray/white matter contrast. The mean displacement of water mol
ecules in the white and gray matter of the mature rat spinal cord was found
to be 2-3, and 8-10 microns, respectively, The potential and the limitatio
ns of this new imaging methodology for early detection of white matter diso
rders are discussed. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.