ZnO varistors with non-linearity coefficients reaching 50 and low values of
the leakage current (similar to0.01 A/m(2)), were obtained by a method ref
erred to as "direct mixing of constituent phases". The method is based on s
intering of a mixture of the constituent phases with the following composit
ions: ZnO phase uniformly doped with Co2+ and Mn2+; intergranular phase: ga
mma -Bi2O3 stabilized with Mn2+ or Zn2+; spinel phase: Zn1.971Ni0.090Co0.03
0Cr0.247Mn0.090Sb0.545O4 AS proved, the obtained varistors are composed of
the same phases as those introduced into the system. The influence of compo
sition as well as milling and sintering parameters on the varistor characte
ristics were investigated. Some varistor powder mixtures were intensively m
illed before sintering. As a result, high density ceramics with higly homog
eneous microstructure were obtained after sintering.