Increasing globalization of medicine and worldwide migration of physicians
call for urgent definition of a set of global standards and requirements to
guide medical education curricula. This article reviews the definition of
standards in general, and proposes a definition of standards and global min
imum essential requirements for use in medical education. They may serve as
a tool for the improvement of quality and international comparisons of bas
ic medical programs. Reviewing the use of medical standards worldwide, the
China Medical Board established the Institute for International Medical Edu
cation (IIME). The IIME project is aimed at defining `global minimum essent
ial requirements' comprising sciences basic to medicine, clinical knowledge
and skills, professional values, behavior and ethics of universal value. T
hey represent only a portion of requirements since the curriculum of each c
ountry and medical school has to address its unique health and social needs
. Finally, existing impediments and hesitation in use of international stan
dards in medical education are presented.