Ecto-apyrase is a transmembrane glycoprotein that hydrolyzes extracellular
nucleoside tri- or diphosphates. Apyrase activity is affected by several ph
ysiological and pathological conditions indicating the existence of regulat
ory mechanisms. Considering that apyrase presents consensus phosphorylation
sites, we studied the phosphorylation of this enzyme. We found an overlay
of the immunoblotting and phosphorylated bands in three different preparati
ons from rat brain: (a) hippocampal slices, (b) synaptic plasma membrane fr
agments and (c) cultured astrocytes. In addition, two-dimensional electroph
oresis separations with human astrocytoma cells were done to identify unequ
ivocally the coincidence between the immunodetected and phosphorylated prot
ein. These observations indicate that apyrase can be detected as a phosphop
rotein, with obvious implications in the regulation of this enzyme.