The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning has emerged
as a major scientific issue today. As experiments progress. there is a gro
wing need for adequate theories and models to provide robust interpretation
s and generalisations of experimental results. and to Formulate new hypothe
ses. This paper provides an overview of recent theoretical advances that ha
ve been made on the two major questions in this area: (1) How does biodiver
sity affect the magnitude of ecosystem processes (short-term effects of bio
diversity)? (2) How does biodiversity contribute to the stability and maint
enance of ecosystem processes in the face of perturbations (lung-term effec
ts of biodiversity)?
Positive short-term effects of species diversity on ecosystem processes, su
ch as primary productivity. and nutrient retention, have been explained by
two major types of mechanisms: (1) Functional niche complementarity (the co
mplementarity effect). and (2) selection of extreme trait values (the selec
tion effect). In both cases, biodiversity provides a range of phenotypic tr
ait variation. In the complementarity effect, trait variation then forms th
e basis For a permanent association of species that enhances collective per
formance. In the selection effect, trait variation comes into play only as
an initial condition, and a selective process then promotes dominance by sp
ecies with extreme trait values. Major differences between within-sire effe
cts of biodiversity and across-sits productivity diversity patterns have al
so been clarified. The local effects of diversity on ecosystem processes ar
e expected to be masked by the effects of varying environmental parameters
in across-site comparisons.
A major reappraisal of the paradigm that has dominated during the last deca
des seems necessary if we are to account for long-term effects of biodivers
ity on ecosystem functioning. The classical deterministic, equilibrium appr
oaches to stability do not explain the reduced temporal variability of aggr
egate ecosystem properties thar has been observed in more diverse systems.
On the other hand, stochastic, nonequilibrium approaches do show two types
of biodiversity effects on ecosystem productivity in a fluctuating environm
ent: (1) a buffering effect, i.e., a reduction in the temporal variance, an
d (2) a performance enhancing effect, i.e., an increase in the temporal mea
n. The basic mechanisms involved in these long-term insurance effects are v
ery similar to those that operate in short-term biodiversity effects: tempo
ral niche complementarity, and selection of extreme trait values. The abili
ty of species diversity to provide an insurance against environmental fluct
uations and a reservoir of variation allowing adaptation to changing condit
ions may be critical in a long-term perspective.
These recent theoretical developments in the area of biodiversity and ecosy
stem Functioning suggest that linking community and ecosystem ecology is a
fruitful avenue, which paves the way for a new ecological synthesis.