OBJECTIVE: This study evaluates the use of a new calvarial bone graft-harve
sting device (BHD), STUDY DESIGN: A total of 18 calvarial bone grafts (CBGs
) were harvested from 9 cadavers with the BHD, The recorded parameters incl
uded drilling time, graft harvest time, graft size, graft integrity, and vi
olation of the calvarial inner table. Five CBGs were subsequently harvested
in vivo and used for 2 nasal reconstructions and 3 orbital reconstructions
. RESULTS: The CBG dimensions ranged from 1.25 to 2.5 cm in width and 3.0 t
o 16.0 cm in length, Graft harvest time ranged from 5 minutes, 55 seconds t
o 25 minutes, 30 seconds (mean 13 minutes, 7 seconds), There were no fractu
red grafts, The cadaveric inner table was violated twice with a cutting bur
r, and 1 dural exposure occurred in the clinical study. CONCLUSION: Althoug
h caution must be used with all CBGs, the BHD appears to be safe and more e
fficient than osteotomes or oscillating saws.