A systematic approach to long-distance effects in exclusive radiative weak
B decays is presented, based on a combination of the heavy quark limit with
perturbative QCD. The dominant long-distance effects, connected with weak
annihilation and W-exchange topologies, can be computed in a model-independ
ent way using experimental data on B radiative leptonic decays. Nonfactoriz
able corrections vanish in the chiral limit and to leading twist. The left-
handed photon amplitudes are shown to be enhanced relative to the right-han
ded ones, both in the long- and short-distance parts of the (B) over bar de
cay amplitudes. Recent CLEO data on B-->K*gamma decays are consistent with
standard model estimates of the long-distance contributions, and disfavor a
n enhanced gluonic penguin contribution. We discuss the implications of our
results for the extraction of \V-td\.