This paper deals with an M-X/G/1 queueing system with a vacation period whi
ch comprises an idle period and a random setup period. The server is turned
off each time when the system becomes empty. At this point of time the idl
e period starts. As soon as a customer or a batch of customers arrive, the
setup of the service facility begins which is needed before starting each b
usy period. In this paper we study the steady state behaviour of the queue
size distributions at stationary (random) point of time and at departure po
int of time. One of our findings is that the departure point queue size dis
tribution is the convolution of the distributions of three independent rand
om variables. Also, we drive analytically explicit expressions for the syst
em state probabilities and some performance measures of this queueing syste
m. Finally, we derive the probability generating function of the additional
queue size distribution due to the vacation period as the limiting behavio
ur of the M-X/M/1 type queueing system.