In this note, we consider the steady-state probability of delay (PW) in the
C-2/G/1 queue and the steady-state probability of loss (p(loss)) in the C-
2/G/1 loss system, in both of which the interarrival time has a two-phase C
oxian distribution. We show that, for c(X)(2)<1, where c(X) is the coeffici
ent of variation of the interarrival time, both p(loss) and PW are increasi
ng in beta>(*) over bar * (s), the Laplace-Stieltjes transform of the gener
al service-time distribution. This generalises earlier results for the GE(2
)/G/1 queue and the GE(2)/G/1 loss system. The practical significance of th
is is that, for c(X)(2)<1, p(loss) in the C-2/G/1 loss system and PW in the
C-2/G/1 queue are both increasing in the variability of the service time.