We examined phylogenetic relationships of the Pachydactylus rugosus complex
using DNA sequence data from segments of the mitochondrial genes cytochrom
e b and 16S ribosomal RNA. These molecular data support the contention that
members of the rugosus complex, as defined by McLachlan (1979), form a mon
ophyletic group. Further, high levels of sequence divergence observed betwe
en currently recognized subspecies (19.1-26.8 % for cytb), even across shor
t geographic distances, support elevation of each member to full specific r
ank. The pattern of relationship within the P. rugosus complex species is P
. rugosus (P. barnardi, P. formosus). Sequence data provide no evidence to
support a close relationship between these taxa and P. capensis, to which p
revious workers had assigned both Rformosus and P. barnardi.