Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L,) has been considered as a biofuel feedstock. A
system has been proposed to produce electricity from the stems and utilize
the leaves as a livestock feed. We determined the effects of harvest regime
s on yield and quality of leaf, stem, and total herbage of six alfalfa entr
ies. We applied three harvest regimes involving three harvests per year at
bud stage or early flower, or two harvests per year st late flower. An earl
y flower harvest regime had the highest leaf yield (average of 5.6, 4.5, an
d 4.5 Mg ha(-1) for the early flower, late newer, and midbud regimes, respe
ctively), and the fate newer harvest regime had the highest stem yield (ave
rage of 5.8, 5.3, and 3.9 Mg ha(-1) for the late newer, early flower, and m
idbud regimes, respectively), Leaf concentration decreased with increased h
erbage maturity (average of 540, 517, and 458 g kg(-1) for the midbud, earl
y newer, and late newer regimes, respectively) and was associated with tota
l herbage crude protein (CP) (r = 0.65, P < 0.05) and acid-detergent fiber
(ADF) and neutral-detergent fiber (NDF) (r = - 0.76, P < 0.05). Harvest reg
ime did not affect total seasonal herbage yield or stand persistence. Alfal
fa entries differed in herbage quality, leaf concentration, and leaf yield,
but did not consistently differ in total herbage or stem yield. Herbage yi
eld and quality differences among entries were similar for all harvest regi
mes. Producers can affect stem and Leaf yields by selection of harvest regi