The understanding of HTLV-induced disease is hampered by the lack of a suit
able animal model allowing the study of both viral replication and leukemog
enesis irt vivo. Although valuable information has been obtained in differe
nt species, such as rabbits, mice, rats, and monkeys, none of these systems
was able to conciliate topics as different as viral infectivity, propagati
on within the host, and generation of leukemic cells. An alternate strategy
is based on the understanding of diseases induced by viruses closely relat
ed to HTLV-1, like bovine leukemia virus (BLV), Both viruses indeed belong
to the same subfamily of retroviruses, harbor a similar genomic organizatio
n, and infect and transform cells of the hematopoietic system. The main adv
antage of the BLV system is that it allows direct experimentation in two di
fferent species, cattle and sheep.