Rabbit renal proximal tubular transport of riboflavin (RF) was examined by
using the in vitro isolated tubule perfusion technique. We found that proxi
mal tubules actively reabsorbed (J(lb)) and secreted (J(bl)) RF. At 0.1 muM
RF concentration, J(bl) was significantly higher than Jlb, resulting in a
net secretion. This net secretion of RF was decreased at 0.01 muM RF concen
tration and increased at 1 muM RF concentration. Both J(lb) and J(bl) were
inhibited by lowering temperature or by adding iodoacetate, a metabolic inh
ibitor, and lumichrome, an RF analog, suggesting the involvement of carrier
-mediated transport mechanisms. J(bl) was inhibited by probenecid, an anion
transport inhibitor, and by para-aminohippuric acid, an organic anion, sug
gesting the relevance of RF secretion to renal organic anion transport. J(b
l) was also inhibited by alkaline pH (8.0) and by the calmodulin inhibitor
trifluoperazine, indicating the influence of pH and Ca2+/calmodulin-depende
nt pathway on RF secretion. Finally, we found that addition of chlorpromazi
ne, a phenothiazine derivative, inhibited both J(lb) and J(bl), raising the
concern about the nutritional status in patients receiving such a type of