The frequency-domain description of the potential function corresponding to
a sinusoidal progressing wave can form the basis for describing an arbitra
ry incident wave field in linearized free-surface hydrodynamics. Fourier te
chniques make it possible to relate the incident sea state to the resulting
hydrodynamic forces on a floating body. This paper develops a rational des
cription in the frequency domain for the corresponding dynamical system whi
ch can then be realized in the time domain as a system of constant-coeffici
ent differential equations driven by incident wave height at a datum and wh
ose output is the Froude-Krylov force. This is made possible by showing tha
t the time-domain version of the potential for a sinusoidal progressing wav
e satisfies a fourth-order time-varying ordinary differential equation (ODE
) analogous to that satisfied by the three-dimensional time-domain source f
unction. Laplace transformation of this ODE followed by bilinear transforma
tion supplies the analytical basis for generating the rational approximatio
n. Various causality issues associated with the diffraction forces are neat
ly handled by the approach presented here. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. A
ll rights reserved.