A mentoring program was established to develop professionalism among U
niversity of the Pacific pharmacy students. All first year pharmacy st
udents at the University of the Pacific are given a pharmacist mentor,
and communication between the student and the mentor is via the Inter
net e-mail system allowing for easy, accessible on-line communication.
The pharmacist mentors are recruited from across the country and prac
tice in a variety of professional pharmacy settings. The students are
able to communicate in a professional manner with their mentors throug
hout the student's professional pharmacy school training. The primary
goals of this project are: (i) encourage early professionalism among p
harmacy students; (ii) have mentors stress the importance and usefulne
ss of didactic educational years; (iii) provide an overview of tools a
nd professional goals of pharmacists; (iv) allow students to begin net
working within the pharmacy profession; and (v) provide instruction fo
r utilization of the internet and e-mail applications. Information on
the development of the project, and an assessment of the project is pr