Transcription initiation of the major promoter (P2) of the Escherichia coli
dam gene increases with growth rate. The presence of three partially palin
dromic motifs, (TTCAGT(N-20)TGAG), designated G (growth)-boxes, within the
-52 to +31 region of the promoter, may be related to growth rate control. D
eletion of two of these repeats, downstream of the transcription initiation
point, result in constitutive high activity of the promoter. The unlinked
cde-l::miniTn10 insertion also results in severalfold higher activity of th
e darn P2 promoter, suggesting that this mutation resulted in the loss of a
putative dam P2 repressor. The cde-4 mutation was mapped to the lipB (lipo
ic acid) gene, which we show encodes a 24 kDa protein initiating at a TTG c
odon. LipB is a highly conserved protein in animal and plant species, other
bacteria, Archaea, and yeast. Plasmids expressing the native or hexahistid
ine-tagged LipB complement the phenotype of the cde-l mutant strain. The le
vel of LipB in vivo was higher in exponentially growing cells than those in
the stationary phase. Three G-box motifs were also found in the lipB regio
n. Models for the regulation of expression of the two genes are discussed.
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