One of the major ceramic engobe constituents is the clayey material. This m
aterial contributes suitable properties to the engobe suspension for correc
t application and yields an unfired layer with adequate mechanical strength
and bonding to the body. A series of tests was conducted in the present st
udy to determine how the type and proportion of clayey material affected en
gobe suspension properties (rheological behaviour) and resulting unfired en
gobe layer properties (compactness, bonding and surface drying time). The t
ested clayey materials were of the type normally used for engobe preparatio
n: white clay, kaolin and bentonite.
It was found that all the studied engobe characteristics varied considerabl
y on modifying the type of clayey material. The arising variations were sho
wn to be due to changes in engobe plasticity and unfired layer packing on c
hanging the type of clayey material.