Tumours from four individuals in a breast and ovarian cancer family with a
known deleterious germline BRCA1 mutation, were analyzed using BRCA1 antibo
dies. In addition, we examined tumours from 96 female patients with early-o
nset breast cancer, who were not selected because of any family history. Pa
raffin-embedded tumour sections were examined by standard immunohistochemic
al analysis. Three familial tumours from BRCA1 carriers displayed focal neg
ativity. This observation was not seen in a non-mutation carrier from the s
ame family. It was found that 9/96 (9%) early-onset breast rumours had tota
l BRCA1 negativity. In addition, 2/2 (100%) medullary breast carcinomas dis
played negativity for both antibodies. Our results indicate that BRCA1 anti
bodies can discriminate between familial tumours with and without a deleter
ious mutation from one family. Further mutation studies in early-onset brea
st cancer group will be necessary to evaluate the use of immunohistochemist
ry as a rapid, initial screening technique to identify BRCA1 mutations. (C)
2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.