Background The hypercortisolaemia and dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pitui
tary-adrenal (HPA) axis associated with mood disorders have been attributed
to a breakdown in the glucocorticoid receptor-mediated negative feedback m
echanism regulating HPA activity. Reinstating normal feedback may be therap
eutic in mood disorders.
Aims To review the evidence for the involvement of the glucocorticoid recep
tor in the pathogenesis and treatment of mood disorders.
Method Medline and hand searches were carried out, selecting literature rel
evant to psychiatrists and psychopharmacologists.
Results A dysfunction in glucocorticoid receptors is integral to the HPA ab
normalities of mood disorders. Antidepressant and mood-stabilising drugs ca
n up-regulate glucocorticoid receptors, restoring glucocorticoid function.
Preliminary clinical studies targeting the glucocorticoid receptor are enco
Conclusions Drugs designed specifically to up-regulate glucocorticoid recep
tors may be integral to future strategies in treating mood disorders.
Declaration of interest None.