For many practical applications, as e.g. in support of air pollution manage
ment, numerical models based on solution of the basic flow and dispersion e
quations are still too complex. Alternative are models that are basically p
arameterised semi-empirical models making use of a priori assumptions about
the flow and dispersion conditions. However, these models must, be thoroug
hly tested and their performance and limitations carefully documented. The
Danish Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) belongs to this category o
f parameterised models. In the OSPM, concentrations of exhaust gases are ca
lculated using a combination of a plume model for the direct contribution a
nd a box model for the recirculating part of the pollutants in the street.
Parameterisation of flow and dispersion conditions in street canyons was de
duced from extensive analysis of experimental data and model tests. Results
of these tests were used to further improve the model performance, especia
lly with regard to different street configurations and a variety of meteoro
logical conditions.