Involucrin is a protein precursor of the epidermal cornified envelope. Alth
ough expression of the human protein has been documented extensively, studi
es in the mouse have been hampered by a shortage of good antibodies. We des
cribe the production of recombinant mouse involucrin and preparation of rab
bit antisera to the protein that work well by immunohistochemistry and West
ern blotting. We confirm that in normal mouse epidermis the onset of involu
crin expression is in the upper spinous layers and inner root sheath of the
hair follicle. Involucrin was also detected in the differentiating epithel
ial cells of normal tongue, oesophagus and bladder. Involucrin was expresse
d in a subpopulation of mouse keratinocytes cultured in standard or low cal
cium medium and the proportion of involucrin-positive cells increased durin
g suspension-induced terminal differentiation. Western blotting of keratino
cytes from several inbred mouse strains revealed a remarkable heterogeneity
in the electrophoretic mobility of involucrin, reflecting inter-strain var
iation in the number of tandem repeats in the protein. In the hyperprolifer
ative epidermis of healing wounds involucrin was expressed in most of the s
uprabasal layers. In epidermal papillomas and carcinomas involucrin express
ion correlated well with degree of histological differentiation. The sites
of expression of the mouse protein were thus the same as those previously r
eported for human involucrin. With the development of the new antibodies we
anticipate that involucrin will become as widely used a marker of keratino
cyte differentiation in the mouse as it is in the human.