Molecular oxygen is one of the most important reactants in biogeochemical c
ycles. Due to its low solubility in water, the consumption of oxygen lends
to the development of oxic-anoxic interfaces, which separate aerobic from a
naerobic processes in virtually all environments, ranging in scale from oce
anic sediments to the fecal pellets of a small soil invertebrate. Three cas
e studies were selected to illustrate the basic situation and the specific
characteristics of oxic-anoxic interfaces. sediments. the rhizosphere of aq
uatic plants? and the intestinal tract of insects. Each system is governed
by the same general principles, but striking differences arise from: e.g.,
the nature of the major microbial activities and the mechanisms controlling
metabolite fluxes. Also scale and dimensional differences as well as the c
onsequences of temporal fluctuations are of fundamental importance. Recent
developments in microbial ecology, which often combine traditional and mode
rn approaches. have significantly further ed our understanding of the speci
fic microniches and the metabolic and behavioral adaptations of microorgani
sms to life at the oxic-anoxic interface. New concepts help to define the t
argets of future studies: the spatial organization of microbial populations
, their microenvironments and in situ activities, and the functional intera
ctions within structured microbial communities. (C) 2000 Federation of Euro
pean Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All righ
ts reserved.