The denitrification potential in moderately fertilized soil sampled four ti
mes during 1995 decreased significantly after cold storage, at 4 +/- 2 degr
eesC for 1 week. Prolonged storage (up to 24 weeks) resulted in a further d
ecrease of denitrification potential which dropped to 38-54 % of the origin
al values. Similarly, denitrification potential decreased substantially dur
ing the first week of storage in differently fertilized soils. After 24 wee
ks of storage, denitrification potential dropped to 29-55 % of that in fres
h soils. The effects of storage at 4 +/- 2 degreesC on denitrification pote
ntial and respiration (determined as carbon dioxide evolution) were in gene
ral the same in moderately fertilized soils from four different sites: in a
ll soils, depression of both the denitrification potential and potential re
spiration was found after 8 weeks. However, the extent to which the paramet
ers were decreased differed from case to case. Not only the duration and st
orage conditions but also unidentified soil parameters are important for th
e persistence of biological activity in stored soils.