In the two cases where infants died suddenly and unexpectedly the electroca
rdiogram (ECG) of a younger sibling (case 1) and of a living twin (case 2)
led to the suspicion that the two infants could have died from long QT synd
rome (LQTS). In case 1, a His bundle (HB) dispersion and a pronounced hypop
lasia of the right external nucleus arcuatus were detected. In case 2, a se
vere interstitial pneumonia and an accompanying mild myocarditis were found
by histology.
Molecular genetic investigations of the coding regions of the genes, HERG,
KVLQT1 and SCN5A gave no indication for the mutations, thus, affecting rela
ted myocardial ion channels as possible sources of inhomogeneity of repolar
Since a molecular genetic deviation could not yet be elaborated the possibl
e role of related disturbance remains unknown. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ir
eland Ltd. All rights reserved.