The lightest supersymmetric particle predicted in most of the supersymmetri
c scenarios is an ideal candidate for the dark matter of cosmology. Their d
etection is of extreme significance today. Recently there have been intrigu
ing signals of 59 Gev neutralino dark matter at DAMA in Gran Sasso. WE look
at other possible signatures of dark matter in astrophysical and geologica
l Frameworks. The passage of the earth through dense clumps of dark matter
would produce large quantities of heat in the interior of this planet throu
gh the capture and subsequent annihilation of dark matter particles. This h
eat would Lend to large-scale volcanism which could in turn have caused mas
s extinctions. The periodicity of such volcanic outbursts agrees with the f
requency of palaeontological mass extinctions as well as the observed perio
dicity in the occurrence of the largest flood basalt provinces on the globe
. Binary character of these extinctions is another unique aspect of this si
gnature of dark matter. In addition dark matter annihilations appear to be
a new source of heat in the planetary systems.