In this paper the concepts of connectivity, degrees of control, and redunda
ncy are revisited from a pure topological viewpoint and then applied to rob
otics. The redundancy matrix is defined to provide designers with a useful
support in the first conceptual phase of the project of a new manipulator A
n algorithm for building the connectivity and the redundancy matrices for a
large class of manipulators is derived and implemented in an algebraic man
ipulation programming language. Based on some results borrowed from graph t
heory: the procedure can be used to study open-loop, closed-loop, and hybri
d kinematic chains. In particular: it is shown how the biconnected componen
ts of the graph corresponding to the manipulator under analysis have to be
detected for a correct computation of connectivity and redundancy. Furtherm
ore, the study of the connectivity and of the degrees of control led to the
development of a full mobility test that automatically detects the type of
mobility of any given robot: total, partial, or fractionated. One of the p
resented sample cases offers the opportunity to discover some differences b
etween the connectivity matrix obtained by means of the new algorithm and t
hat presented, on the sa,ne kinematic chain, in a previous one.