Apoptosis is a crucial biological process, and activation of caspase endopr
oteases is essential for proper regulation and execution of apoptosis, Beca
use caspases also appear to be central players in several pathological stat
es, there is a practical need within the biopharmaceutical research communi
ty for facile, noninvasive cellular assays for the discovery of compounds t
hat modulate caspase activity. Tandem molecules of green fluorescent protei
n (GFP) stably expressed within cells can serve as a genetically encoded se
nsor of protease activity. Using this technology, we have developed a stabl
e cellular system for the screening of agents that modulate activation of t
he caspase cascade. This assay technology allows for the real-time monitori
ng of apoptosis in situ, using conventional fluorescent plate reader detect
ion. By applying this assay system to an actual compound screen, small-mole
cule inducers of cell apoptosis were reliably identified. Follow-up pharmac
ology confirmed that the rank-order potency of primary hits using the intra
cellular GFP assay corresponded to that found using a conventional, cell ly
sis-based assay method.