Nonpoint agricultural surface water runoff has been identified as a signifi
cant contributor to watershed nitrogen (N) loading. Denitrification is thou
ght to be a substantial sink for N inputs to estuaries. Denitrification rat
es and inorganic N concentrations were measured in Culvert Creek, NC for a
3-yr period with an adaptation of the acetylene block technique using satur
ation kinetic incubations that provided estimated in situ and potential rat
es. Estimated in situ denitrification and inorganic N concentrations sere e
levated in portions of Culvert Creek, NC following fertilizer application a
t adjacent Open Grounds Farm Statistical correlations indicated that denitr
ification in Culvert Creek was regulated by inorganic N, paticularly at hea
dwater sites. Regulation was complex at estuarine sites, where dynamic hydr
ological conditions affected microbial processing of N through coupled nitr
ification-denitrification. Potential denitrification rates were often an or
der of magnitude higher than estimated in situ rates. Potential denitrifica
tion showed a similar seasonal-spatial pattern to that of nitrification at
the most estuarine site, dth lower rates at the mid-creek sites where nitri
fication was inhibited during periods of anoxia. Annual N removal in Culver
t Creek was estimated at 1.27% (in situ) or 68.70% (potential rates) of inp
uts. An estimated 11% of N inputs, were removed via the nitrification-denit
rification pathway in Culvert Creek assuming that rates were closely couple
d. Mean annual (1995-1997) creek denitrification rates of 2.17 kg N ha(-1)
yr(-1) (in situ) and 90.52 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) (potential) were within the r
ange of rates measured in various freshwater wetland systems receiving agri
cultural drainage. In Culvert Creek? denitrification was a significant medi
ator of estuarine headwater N cycling.