The large scale Indian Ocean circulation is estimated from a global hydrogr
aphic inverse geostrophic box model with a focus on the meridional overturn
ing circulation (MOC), The global model is based an selected recent World O
cean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) sections which in the Indian Basin consi
st of zonal sections at 32 degreesS, 20 degreesS and 8 degreesS, and a sect
ion between Bah and Australia from the Java-Australia Dynamic Experiment (J
ADE). The circulation is required to conserve mass, salinity, heat, silica
and "PO" (170PO(4)+O-2). Near-conservation is imposed within layers bounded
by neutral surfaces, while permitting advective and diffusive exchanges be
tween the layers. Conceptually, the derived circulation is an estimate of t
he average circulation for the period 1987-1995. A deep inflow into the Ind
ian Basin of 11 +/- 4 Sv is found, which is in the lower range of previous
estimates, but consistent with conservation requirements and the global. da
ta set. The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) is estimated at 15 +/- 5 Sv. The f
low in the Mozambique Channel is of the same magnitude, implying a weak net
flow between Madagascar and Australia. A net evaporation of -0.6 +/- 0.4 S
v is found between 32 degreesS and 8 degreesS, consistent with independent
estimates. No net heat gain is found over the Indian Basin (0.1 +/- 0.2 PW
north of 32 degreesS) as a consequence of the large warm water influx from
the ITF. Through the use of anomaly equations, the average dianeutral upwel
ling and diffusion between the sections are required and resolved, with val
ues in the range 1-3 x 10(-5) cms(-1) for the upwelling and 2-10 cm(2) s(-1
) for the diffusivity.