This paper explores how an exchange rate devaluation affects the current ac
count in a sticky-price inter-temporal optimizing model, The main issue add
ressed is how the features of international pricing affect the response of
the current account. When prices are all set in the producer's currencies,
the effect of a devaluation on the current account depends on the conventio
nal Marshall-Lerner conditions. This is fundamentally an a-temporal conditi
on (depending on the elasticity of substitution between home and foreign go
ods). However, when prices are all set in consumer's currencies, the respon
se of the current account depends upon the size of the inter-temporal elast
icity of substitution of consumption across time periods. This represents a
n inter-temporal condition. When pricing-to-market is partial, the effect o
f devaluation on the current account depends on the strength of the a-tempo
ral elasticity relative to the inter-temporal elasticity. (C) 2000 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved. JEL classification: F32; F41.