We develop the theory of oblique multiwavelet bases, which encompasses
the orthogonal, semiorthogonal, and biorthogonal cases, and we circum
vent the noncommutativity problems that arise in the construction of m
ultiwavelets. Oblique multiwavelets preserve the advantages of orthogo
nal and biorthogonal wavelets and enhance the flexibility of the theor
y to accommodate a wider variety of wavelet bases. For example, for a
given multiresolution, we can construct supercompact wavelets for whic
h the support is half the size of the shortest orthogonal, semiorthogo
nal, or biorthogonal wavelet. The theory also produces the h-type, pie
cewise linear hierarchical bases used in finite element methods, and i
t allows us to construct new h-type, smooth hierarchical bases, as wel
l as h-type hierarchical bases that use several template functions. Fo
r the hierarchical bases, and for all other types of oblique wavelets,
the expansion of a function can still be implemented with a perfect r
econstruction filter bank. We illustrate the results using the Haar sc
aling function and the Cohen-Daubechies-Plonka multiscaling function.
We also construct a supercompact spline uniwavelet of order 3 and a hi
erarchical basis that is based on the Hermit cubic spline, and we expl
icitly give the coefficients of the corresponding filter bank. (C) 199
7 Academic Press.