For a Canada Deuterium Uranium 600 MWe (CANDU 6) reactor, a new power mappi
ng method has been developed by using detector readings as boundary conditi
ons. In this study, the measured detector readings are combined with the di
ffusion theory with the Kalman filtering (DIKAL) method. The measured detec
tor readings are transformed into the measured mesh flux through appropriat
e approximation. And, the difference between calculated and measured mesh f
lux is filtered out by Kalman filtering technique. Then, the measured mesh
fluxes are used as an internal boundary condition in the diffusion equation
. The performance of the DIE;AL method has been assessed for the various co
re states, and has been also applied tr, the calculation of power and Aux d
istribution calculation in the CANDU 6 reactor. Sensitivity studies have sh
own that DIKAL is quite stable to the detector random and systematic errors
. Also, it is shown that the DIKAL approach is more accurate than the curre
ntly used flux synthesis approach in CANDU 6 reactors.