Computer-assisted voice analysis has recently been introduced as a noninvas
ive approach to the management of paediatric dysphonia. The aim of this stu
dy was to determine which parameters of voice analysis distinguish vocal co
rd nodules from normal patterns. Following diagnosis by flexible nasolaryng
oscopy, 12 male children with vocal cord nodules, aged 7 to 12, underwent v
oice analysis by MultiDimensional Voice Program (MDVP; Kay Elemetrics, Linc
oln Park, NJ, USA). These subjects were divided into two age groups (7-9 ye
ars, n = 5; 10-12 years, n = 7) and compared to age-matched controls. Resul
ts suggest that across all age groups, subjects with vocal cord nodules had
statistically significant (p < .01) elevations in absolute jitter, jitter
percent, relative average perturbation, pitch period perturbation quotient,
smoothed amplitude perturbation quotient, and fundamental frequency variat
ion. Further studies are required to assess the role of MDVP ill the diagno
sis of other voice pathologies and the monitoring of voice therapy.