In this article, we ask what the pattern of distributive spending has been
during the 104(th) Congress, in which Republicans have been in the majority
, compared to the preceding Congress when Democrats were the majority party
. We seek to understand the patterns of change in light of four alternative
explanations of distributive spending. The changes in the content and reci
pients of federal domestic outlays between the 103(rd) and 103(th) Congress
es are suggestive of a partisan influence. Republican control of Congress d
oes not appear to have significantly altered the politics of domestic spend
ing. However, Republican control has influenced the content of domestic pub
lic policy. The House under Republican control produced significantly more
contingent liability obligations than the 103(rd) Congress-programs that ar
e ideologically and politically compatible with the interests of Republican
representatives. Evidence suggests that Republican control has produced a
partial shift in the interests mat are rewarded by federal spending.