The political relevance of citizens' affective judgments is increasingly be
coming a target of scholarly inquiry. Marcus and MacKuen (1993) have demons
trated that individuals' affective judgments enhance the efficiency of info
rmation processing during presidential campaigns. Emotions, however, are un
iform in neither their underlying processes nor their effects on political
behavior. Marcus and MacKuen have argued that candidate-induced anxiety sti
mulates political learning but not campaign involvement. This study informs
the analysis of emotions and campaign involvement by considering the moder
ating influence of political efficacy. Specifically, we demonstrate that in
ternal efficacy moderates the influence of anxiety on campaign involvement.
' Anxiety among the highly efficacious drives involvement while anxiety amo
ng those with low internal efficacy is of little consequence. In short, we
find that the extent to which negative affect influences campaign involveme
nt is conditional, at least in part, on individuals' perceived ability to s
uccessfully undertake political action.