This paper is concerned with the analysis of the radiative heat transfer in
glass foams. The closed-form analytical model for the reflectance, transmi
ttance, and absorptance of radiation by a foam layer has been utilized to a
ssess the resistance of radiation heat transfer from the hot combustion gas
es and refractories to the molten glass in the glassmelting furnace due to
glass foaming. The size (radius) and shape (void fraction) of foam bubbles,
their size distribution function, the scattering anisotropy, and the refle
ctance of the foam/glass interface have been identified as major physical p
arameters governing the problem. Detailed parametric calculations have been
performed, and the results are reported and critically discussed with the
aim of quantifying the radiation characteristics of glass foams. The findin
gs lead to a fundamental understanding of the radiative transport in the fo
ams, and can be used to improve the design and operation of modern glassmel
ting furnaces.