Eastward propagating planetary waves of zonal wavenumber one in the zonal w
ind (u) with phase speeds in the range of 1-10 m s(-1), and also with frequ
encies in the 30-60-day range, are studied using 39 boreal winter (austral
summer) seasons teach of length 180 days) from the reanalyses of the Nation
al Centers for Environmental Prediction. The purpose of the paper is to stu
dy the relationship between these low phase speed waves in the extratropics
(which are candidates for instabilities) and the low-frequency tropical wa
ves associated with the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO).
Planetary waves dominate the zonal wavenumber spectrum of all (eastward plu
s westward) transient fluctuations with phase speeds of 1-10 m s(-1) at upp
er levels.
Using the theory of Y. Hayashi to separate out standing oscillations, it is
found that eastward propagating waves for zonal wavenumber one have varian
ce maxima at 63 degreesN, 32 degreesN, 13 degreesN, 32 degreesS, and 52 deg
reesS at upper levels. As a percentage of the total variance for phase spee
ds 1-10 m s(-1) and zonal wavenumber one, the eastward propagating waves ha
ve strong maxima at 200 hPa in the Tropics (13 degreesN, 13 degreesS) and a
t lower levels at 13 degreesS (indicative of the MJO). The standing wave va
riance is maximum in northern midlatitudes. The eastward propagating wave v
ariance for zonal wavenumber two has similar properties.
For zonal wavenumber one, eastward propagating waves at 52 degreesN and 300
hPa are highly coherent with mid- and upper-level waves at 32 degreesN, wi
th a nearly perfectly out-of-phase relationship. For a base point at 32 deg
reesN, 200 hPa, we find a strong coherence maximum for phase speeds of 1-10
m s(-1) (coherence squared greater than 0.7) with upper levels in the Trop
ics (13 degreesN), accompanied by a 180 degrees relative phase shift. Coher
ence and phase plots with a base point at 13 degreesN and 200 hPa show not
only strong coherence with waves at 32 degreesN, but also with waves at 13
degreesS at 700 hPa. While results for the MJO averaging (corresponding to
periods of 30-60 days) are generally similar, there is in addition a strong
cross-equatorial coherence between fluctuations at 13 degreesN and 13 degr
eesS at 200 hPa, and stronger coherence with the lower tropical troposphere
. The strong coherence between waves in the subtropics (32 degreesN) and th
e Tropics (13 degreesN) indicates a potential role for dynamical instabilit
y in the organization of the MJO.
Coherence and phase diagnostics for base points in the Southern Hemisphere
have generally the same character, although the subtropical-tropical cohere
nce is less dramatic (but still significant). Coherence and phase results f
or eastward propagating zonal wavenumber two are generally similar.
These results represent, for midlatitudes, an extension of earlier work of
C. R. Mechoso and D. L,. Hartmann to phase speeds less than 10 m s(-1), for
which an interpretation in terms of baroclinic instability becomes viable;
a much larger dataset is also used here. The strong coherence found betwee
n the subtropics and Tropics lend support to the notion that planetary wave
baroclinic instability and the MJO are connected with each other, as sugge
sted by J. S. Frederiksen and C. S. Frederiksen. An origin of the MJO in wh
ich subtropical jet instability helps to organize tropical convection is su