In this paper, we study the problem of constructing a smooth approximant of
a surface defined by the equation z = f(x(1), x(2)), the data being a fini
te set of patches on this surface. This problem occurs, for example, after
geophysical processing such as migration of time-maps or depth-maps. The us
ual algorithms to solve this problem are picking points on the patches to g
et Lagrange's data or trying to get local junctions on patches. But the fir
st method does not use the continuous aspect of the data and the second one
does not perform well to get a global regular approximant (C-1 or more). A
s an approximant of f, a discrete smoothing spline belonging to a suitable
piecewise polynomial space is proposed. The originality of the method consi
sts in the fidelity criterion used to fit the data, which takes into accoun
t their particular aspect (surface's patches): the idea is to define a func
tion that minimizes the volume located between the data patches and the fun
ction and which is globally C-k. We first demonstrate the new method on a t
heoretical aspect and numerical results on real data are given.