Passive acoustic emission (AE) methods are becoming useful tools for integr
ity assessment of structures, monitoring of industrial processes and machin
es, and materials characterization. Unfortunately there are no measurement
standards for estimating the absolute strength of the AE sources. The lack
of standardization makes it very difficult to compare the results obtained
in different laboratories or on different structures, and to obtain meaning
ful repeatability of measurements. Therefore, current methods only give a q
ualitative rather than quantitative indication of the change of state of st
ructure or process. This communication outlines a way of calibrating AE tra
nsducer systems in situ using a pulsed-laser-generated thermoelastic AE ene
rgy source or a bouncing-ball-generated elastic impact AE energy source. Th
e methods presented here should enable traceable measurement standards to b
e established for AE.