An alternative technique for identification of Doppler microemboli signals
(MES) based on intensity measurements in the vessel and in an arbitrary sam
ple volume was recently reported. We evaluated the applicability of this ap
proach as stand alone system, and compared it to the standard bigate method
(TCD 8, version 8T). Bilateral TCD monitoring was performed in 11 patients
with prosthetic heart valves and 15 patients during elective cardiac surge
ry, using three sample volumes (29 mm, 50 mm and 55 mm). All data was saved
on digital audio tapes and evaluated by two experienced observers. Only si
gnals unanimously identified as MES or artifacts by both observers were eva
luated. A total of 6189 MES and 11,241 artifacts were further analysed. Sen
sitivity and specificity of the bigate approach and the technique utilising
the arbitrary sample volume were 90.7%, 91.3% and 88%, 91.9% respectively.
Simultaneous monitoring over three sample volumes and combination of the t
wo detection algorithms could potentially provide an adequate stand-alone s
ystem for MES detection.