An on-going inter-comparison programme which is focused on assessing and es
tablishing consensus protocols to be applied in the identification, selecti
on and sub-sampling of materials for subsequent C-14 analysis is described.
The outcome of the programme will provide a detailed quantification of the
uncertainties associated with C-14 measurements including the issues of ac
curacy and precision. Such projects have become recognised as a fundamental
aspect of continuing laboratory quality assurance schemes, providing a mec
hanism for the harmonisation of measurements and for demonstrating the trac
eability of results.
The design of this study and its rationale are described. In summary, a sui
te of core samples has been defined which will be made available to both AM
S and radiometric laboratories. These core materials are representative of
routinely dated material and their ages span the full range of the applied
C-14 time-scale. Two of the samples are of wood from the German and Irish d
endrochronologies, thus providing a direct connection to the master dendroc
hronological calibration curve. Further samples link this new inter-compari
son to past studies.
Sample size and precision have been identified as being of paramount import
ance in defining dating confidence, and so several core samples have been i
dentified for more in-depth study of these practical issues. In addition to
the core samples, optional samples have been identified and prepared speci
fically for either AMS and/or radiometric laboratories. For AMS laboratorie
s, these include bone, textile, leather and parchment samples. Participatio
n in the study requires a commitment to a minimum of 10 core analyses, with
results to be returned within a year. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All r
ights reserved.